We are pleased to announce that Senate Bill 74 was signed by the Governor today, marking an important milestone for Vermonters who value end-of-life choice. This bill, passed with strong tri-partisan support, updates and improves the state’s Patient Choice at End of Life Law, Act 39. With the passage of Senate Bill 74, a patient can now make the required requests for medical aid in dying by video telemedicine when their doctor determines that this approach is appropriate. The bill also eliminates the additional 48-hour delay at the end of the process before a patient can receive the prescription and corrects what was a technical deficiency in the immunity clause of Act 39. It was the voices of people like Karen Oelschlaeger who had struggled through the Act 39 process that brought these issues to the attention of the legislature. “My daughter, Karen Oelschlaeger would be pleased to know that by speaking about her experience with medical aid in dying she had a positive influence that will benefit future patients. Thank you to the Vermont legislature for passing S.74.” - Linda Oelschlaeger
6/20/2022 02:36:16 pm
Legislative committee leaders, new legislators who became versed in how aid in dying fits into the spectrum of end-of-life care, Thank you for making this such an awesome post! 6/20/2022 03:21:55 pm
Highlighting his work as a legislative leader to pass act thirty nine and then the diagnosis that led to his decision to use medical aid in dying. Thank you, amazing post!
Very update and informative update for the various people around. I’m sure after getting the help on your blog the people able to take wise decision about and learn. Thumbs update and please do share the further recommending sharing always. 7/26/2023 02:30:00 pm
This team has been proficient and efficient for the working in the field for the future times. All the features of the team is signed for the terms. Manner is fit for the goals for the top of the goals for the team work and their expertise for the top of the terms. 8/1/2023 06:32:07 pm
It is only because of our strong network of supporters, doctors, and care-givers that we were able to identify the needs and bring this effort to a successful conclusion. I’m so thankful for your helpful post! 1/10/2024 04:40:04 pm
I'm so pleased to read about Senate Bill 74's enactment into law! This legislation demonstrates Vermont's commitment to upholding patients' rights and improving their end-of-life options. Comments are closed.
January 2025