Vermont is just one final step away from eliminating the residency requirement from our medical-aid-in-dying law, Act 39. We extend our heartfelt thanks to members of the Vermont Senate who overwhelmingly passed H.190 yesterday. In particular, our thanks go out to Senator Ginny Lyons, Chair of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, and the committee members who carefully considered this bill. Thanks also to Lt. Governor David Zuckerman whose leadership on medical aid in dying paved the way for passage of this bill. We look forward to signature by Governor Phil Scott in the near future. Upon signature, people who are terminally ill and who are evaluating their choices will be able to consider medical aid in dying regardless of where they live. This action by Vermont is a strong statement confirming the right to access medical care across state lines. None of this work would have been possible without all of you who continue to support PCV’s mission both financially and by contacting your legislators. Please stay tuned. PCV has developed a comprehensive information page for non-residents, their families, and medical providers. We we will also be launching an initiative to educate the community on what the change means and how requests for assistance can best be handled. Or mail a check to:
Patient Choices Vermont PO Box 671 Shelburne, VT 05482 Comments are closed.
January 2025